[50] wall surrounding Android apps

The Association held a regular meeting in August in Japan android

In his speech Mr Iizuka,

Paid Apps [Android] Law Guide 50.

There was a story.

The thing is

Android apps are paying out of public markets

50 less than the number of downloads

76% of all paid apps that it is.

Conversely, when more than 50 downloads

Most applications seem to be more than 100 downloads.

That is,

Paid Apps have been downloaded more than 50 extended

The difficult than 50 Download

Is that.

But less than 50 downloads

☆-resistant and evaluation

The comments have no idea

Android is also not showing up on top of the market

A further significant improvement Downloads

Seems to fall into a vicious circle.

However, if you managed to clear the wall 50 downloads Speaking to reverse

You can get the evaluation comments

Appears in the top markets

Can be viewed as the number of downloads can be extended further.

How do over the wall 50.

Android here seems to be the key strategy paid apps.


カテゴリー: Android アプリ ビジネス情報   パーマリンク